Effect of posture on the spine

Effect of posture on the spine

We see a high volume of patients who have developed back pain due to poor posture, so our February campaign is on this subject.  We hope you find this infographic useful and hopefully alarming enough to make changes to your posture if required.  This shows the dramatic effect differing postures place on your lumbar spine and particularly that sitting slouched is a massive strain on the spine.  Did you know prolonged sitting is very bad for your health so imagine how much worse this is if sitting slouched.

If you correct your posture but are still struggling with back pain, then why not book an appointment with us.  We specialise in Occupational Health physiotherapy and look after the work force of companies such as North West Ambulance Service, Manchester Council, Robinsons Brewery, Kellogg and many others.

Please note although government advice is easing covid restrictions soon, our regulatory bodies state we continue with Covid-19 regulations of; – screening patients for Covid-19 symptoms, screening for categories which exclude hands on treatment, disinfecting clinics and wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE).

To view our previous February campaign posts, click the links below

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